Sunday, October 26, 2008


All thanks to Housan Susuki Sensei

My best guess is that I am now into my 3rd week of Shuriken-Jutsu,
which is the practice and study of throwing sharpened objects.

My foundation is in Gung-fu and as soon as I stumbled on this new [to me] martial-art on the internet, I was hooked and wanted to learn all I could.

I have made and throw Bo-Shuriken, which look like chisels as opposed to the Star Shurikens that look like flat sharp stars.

After making many prototypes I’ve setteled in on a style of Bo that I like.

I have hay bales set up for my archery and I now use those to practice my Shuriken-Jutsu.

I believe it is the ‘exactness’ of the throw that has me intrigueged.

The throw is called ‘no-spin’ or better said ‘1/4 spin’ as opposed to what’s called circus throwing which flips and flips all the way to the target.

3 or more weeks into to it and I still struggle in mastering it.

Somedays are better than others, but I am hooked.

Here are some pictures from the web.
I’ll post more on my progress later.

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